Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Front of 'Tivoli". I need to get moving before it's too cold to wear it this year. Posted by Picasa

I started working on this in mid summer and I have not gotten around to finishing it yet. I've made a couple of baby caps, worked on socks, made a scarf and now I am trying to work on the UFO's so I am really going at this one. I have the back piece started and hope to go on it quickly. Last week I did quite a bit of KIP (knitting in public) and DS flag football practices. He was finally eligible to play this year and I think it's a hoot!

Will keep you all up to date on the football, knitting and stitch markers. I have picked up the spindle but I put it down quickly b/c before I know it a couple of hours have gone by and I have not done any knitting. I have to get the UFO piles down. MUST DO SO!

1 comment:

amylovie said...

Your son is too cute! He looks so spiffy for his first day of school.

I've read a lot about the Trivoli top on blogs. I think it is a popular knit. It is going to look fantastic on you.

I hear ya with the UFO's. My problem is all of the fall knits are like a siren's song to me right now.

Have a great day,