It may seem like an ordinary day to others, but today is the day where I bend knee to thank God for you and the life that we have. What may seem like any other day is the wonderful anniversary of the day that you were born. I'm sure that your parents had no idea on that day that you were to be as amazing as you are. I'm sure that looking at you, they were both in awe and couldn't imagine you being anymore wonderful than you were in that very moment. However, they learned.
They learned about your kindness as you grew and brought home hand made gifts and trinkets. They learned about your intelligence as they were amazed with your accomplishments at school. They learned about your wit with all your quick retorts and the wonderful sounds of your laughter. They learned about your compassion while watching you care for Baron as well as your amazing bonds with friends. They also learned about your mischievousness through all your antics with your cousin and friends. (Boy did they ever learn THAT!)
I, however, had very little time to learn all this before falling helplessly in love with you. You were handsome, kind, smart, funny, bold and strong and I loved you. I loved you and I have since that moment on. There's never been a moment since then in which I haven't loved you with all that I have within me.
Our years together have been peppered with sadness as well as anger. We have disagreed and we have argued as well as crying and laughing. We've moved forward, then backwards, only to push further forward in our lives together. I want you to know that through it all, my love for you has never faltered and, in all the years to come, it never will.
I want to thank you for blessing me with the honor of guarding your love and having our son. To look at him and know that this is something made from both of us and our love amazes me to this day. I shall never be able to repay you for the wonderful gift that our son is to me. Thank you seems so inadequate for all that I have been given by you.
So, today I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE! I hope that this coming year is full of even more joy and happiness for you. I pray that all your heart's desires are fulfilled just as much as you have fulfilled mine. I will try to bring you a fraction of the swonderful life that you have brought me because, I know, that there is no way that I could ever dream of being able to make you as happy as you have made me. I can't imagine my life without you in and am in awe of my luck at having you love me.