Knitting has OBVIOUSLY gone by the wayside in lieu of the baseball. In fact, I served as bench coach today (you gotta know that they were DESPERATE). It was fun though sitting there with the boys and getting them ready to hit.
I've yet to miss a practice or a game. The boys are all really quite sweet and very supportive of each other (although they ARE 9 -10 years old and can get a bit rambunctious at times - What is with them and picking up dirt and throwing it into their shoes and onto their pants????). I've really enjoyed this year so far and the boys (I think) look forward to seeing me there. Could it be b/c I am the most obnoxious, um I mean supportive Mom out there? tee hee! One of the boys got the first Riverdogs Homerun of the year and I was glad to be on the bench cheering him home! It was a great experience.
OK, OK, I have worked on watermelon socks (finishing up #1) and lacy leaf scarf (somewhat, not much though). Next time, knitting pix (maybe). We do have 2 more games this week y'know! ;-)
tee hee
I think it is great that you are so supportive. I'm sure it means a lot to him.
You're right, I did cut my hair. Whacked it in fact. It is taking me a while to get used to.
It's so great that you are doing this, and making such a wonderful record of it for DS (those slideshows sound awesome!). One of my journal friends went to all of her son's baseball games, and she mentioned that a few parents said, 'Why do you do that?' Umm, why wouldn't you, if you had the time?
Hooray for SuperMama!
Ah, the joys of summer!
We will arrive in Cleveland the evening of the 26th. Email me your phone number to mpeach at elc dot net. I will call either that evening or the next day. With your busy baseball schedule, we may need to come to one of your sons games. We will figure it out.
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