Monday, June 20, 2005

Now, what we have here is a failure to contain myself. . . . .

Whoo boy! Where's the cops when I need them???? I have been out of control on the yarn shopping lately. What you see above is some serious stash enhancement. There are 4 skeins of Alpaca and Silk in the most heavenly shade of granny smith apple green EVER! There's a some Shine in Apricot and 3 different shades of striping sock yarn as well as a lace weight wool in a moss green. All from knit picks. Then there's a hank of Madeira in the green, goldish orange and tan colorway for a phonchette. Lastly there is a beautiful lined basket from Knitwits, oops I forgot to put the knitting notecards and the. . . . . .tant ta da. . . .SWIFT in the pix as well.

OK, seeing that I am off to Disney in 30 hours, I REALLY need to get my yarnohalism in check. Anybody know any good 12 step programs for yarn junkies????

1 comment:

Lorette said...

Containment is hopeless. Don't even try. I'm seriously coveting that Alpaca & Silk. UPS is thinking of changing their name to YDS: Yarn Delivery Service.