Tuesday, August 26, 2008

OK, now I KNOW that I am going

straight to hell. All because I find this
extremely funny.

I can't help it and now I am dying to see this movie. (psst make sure you check out the url - too funny!)

Well, and also I just blasphemed (?) the Hail Mary into:

"Hail Harlot, full of lace
the Muses are with you.
Brilliant art thou amongst knitters and
brilliant is the fruit of your hands, JESUS!
Holy Harlot, mother of shawls,
pray for us knitters now and in the hour
of our frogs.

Um, would anyone like me to save them a seat next to me?

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

omg - laughing so hard right now at that song...i have to see this!!